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1. Management of Various Security Areas
(Združljivost in robustnost poslovanja med različnimi
varnostnimi okolji),
Tomaž Degen, 2001
2. Attacks on the System and Application Infrastructure
(Analiza bodočih oblik napadov na sistemsko in aplikacijsko
infrastrukturo), Matej Trampuš, 2001.
3. Complete system for secure exchange of data
(Celovit sistem za varno izmenjavo podatkov), Brane Brodnik, 2002.
4. Distance-regular graphs with small diameter
(Razdaljno-regularni grafi majhnega diametra), Štefko Miklavič, 2002.
5. Applications of Berlekamp-Massey algorithm in cryptography and
coding theory
(Uporaba Berlekamp-Masseyevega algoritma v
kriptografiji in teoriji kodiranja), Tadej Novak, 2003.
6. Pollard rho method
(Pollardova rho-metoda), Erik Schlegel, 2003.
1. Triangle-free 1-homogeneous graphs
(1-homogeni grafi brez trikotnikov), Štefko Miklavič, 2004.
Master Theses
Ph. D. Students
New Research/Theses Topics
(in Slovene)
Aleksandar Jurisic,, September 2008.