Seminar iz kriptografije

Little brother is watching you...
Tokrat bomo združili

Sredin seminar in Seminar iz kriptografije.

Predaval bo :

Prof. Jovan Dj. Golić
School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade,
Bulevar Revolucije 73, 11001 Belgrade, Yugoslavia

enega najbolj znanih evropskih specialistov iz kriptografije (pet let pa je živel tudi v Avstraliji). Njegova specialnost so tokovne šifre.

V sredo 2. februarja, 2000, ob 18h (Jadranska 21/M2) bomo imeli prvo predavanje:

Title: Combinatorial Aspects of Stream Cipher Cryptanalysis
Author: Jovan Dj. Golić
A survey of recent contributions to the cryptanalysis of stream ciphers will be presented. Emphasis will be put on novel approaches, concepts, and results. Related open mathematical and research problems, most of them of combinatorial nature, will be pointed out.

v četrtek 3. februarja, 2000, ob 14h (Jadranska 19/III-Plemljeva soba) pa drugo predavanje:

Title: Edit Probability Correlation Attack on Bilateral Stop/Go Generator
Authors: Renato Menicocci and Jovan Dj. Golić
The bilateral stop/go generator is a keystream generator consisting of two binary linear feedback shift registers which mutually clock-control each other in the stop/go manner. Given an edit transformation defined by the stop/go clocking in this generator, an edit probability for two binary strings of appropriate lengths is proposed. An efficient recursive algorithm for the edit probability computation is derived. It is pointed out how this edit probability can be used to mount a correlation attack on one of the two shift registers. By estimating the underlying false alarm probability, it is shown that the minimum output sequence length required to be known for a successful attack is linear in the length of the shift register. This is illustrated by experimental correlation attacks on relatively short shift registers.

Prof. Golić je avtor številnih člankov iz kriptografije (glej listo, ki sem jo prepisal z diska, ki vsebuje vse članke s Crypto in Eurocrypt conferenc od 1981-1997, ki bo kmalu (upam!) na voljo preko interneta v MK). Tu pa je še en članek iz decembrskega Crypto-grama: European Cellular Encryption Algorithms, kjer naletimo na Golićevo ime v povezavi z razbijanjem GSM/A5-1 algoritma.

Vsi zainteresirani ste vabljeni!

V. Batagelj in A. Jurišić

Število obiskovalcev:  (z uporabo K2 števca.)