(The above link points to a Slovene homepage, see also the
English version.)
- Aleksandar Jurisic,
AT4 family and 2-homogeneous graphs
(follow this link
and search for 727 in order to get a postscript file).
- Aleksandar Jurisic and Jack Koolen,
Krein parameters and antipodal tight graphs with diameter 3 and 4.
(follow this link
and search for 726 in order to get a postscript file).
- Aleksandar Jurisic and Jack Koolen,
Nonexistence of some antipodal distance-regular graphs of diameter four
(follow this link
and search for 725 in order to get a postscript file).
- Aleksandar Jurisic and Jack Koolen,
1-homogeneous graphs with Cocktail party $\mu$-graphs
(follow this link
and search for 715 in order to get a postscript file).
- Aleksandar Jurisic and Jack Koolen,
A Local Approach to 1-Homogeneous Graphs
(follow this link
and search for 663 in order to get a postscript file).
- Aleksandar Jurisic, Jack Koolen, Paul Terwilliger,
Tight distance-regular graphs with small diameter
(follow this link
and search for 621 in order to get a postscript file).
- Aleksandar Jurisic, Jack Koolen, Paul Terwilliger,
Tight distance-regular graphs
(follow this link
and search for 622 in order to get a postscript file).
All postscript (ps) files can be viewed using
Ghostscript and GSview,
which are available for most computers and browsers.
Page accesses:
(using K2
Aleksandar Jurisic, FN11jurisic@uni-lj.si, October 2000.