Predmet Kriptografija in teorija kodiranja - 7. III. 2008

predavanja: nazaj | naprej
Will <little brother> still be present if I encrypt my screen with triple DES? Yes, since it was designed to be encrypt-proof.
povzetek predavanja | dodatna gradiva | domače naloge

Povzetek predavanja:

Drugi kriptosistemi z javnimi ključi (pričetek 5. poglavja)

Dodatna gradiva:

  • Domača stran o praštevilih (informacije o praštevilih) Citat Hendrika Lenstre (1985):
    "Suppose that 2 100-digit numbers p and q have been proved prime. Suppose moreover that p and q are thrown away by mistake, but their product pq is saved. How to recover p and q? It must be felt as a defeat for mathematics that, in these circumstances, the most promising approaches are searching the waste paper basket and applying mnemo-hypnotic techniques." Razno:

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