Elliptic Curve Classroom (JAVA required)

Abelian Groups

An arithmetic operation is said to be commutative if the order of its arguments is insignificant. With ordinary numbers, addition and multiplication are commutative operations; for example, 2 9 = 9 2 and 2 + 9 = 9 + 2. However, subtraction and division are not commutative since 2 - 9 < 9 - 2 and 2 / 9 < 9 / 2.

A group is called abelian if its main operation is commutative. Thus an additive group is abelian if a + b = b + a for all elements a, b in the group. A multiplicative group is abelian if a b = b a for all elements a, b in the group. The additive group Zn and the multiplicative group Zp* are both abelian groups.

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